Insights From a Licensed Clinical Social Worker: Palm Beach

It was a profound pleasure to meet and converse with Tiffany M., a New Orleans native and a beacon of vibrancy and warmth. Our meeting took place in a bustling coffee shop near Downtown West Palm Beach, an ideal setting that mirrored her bright and cheerful personality.

Tiffany’s Professional Path

Tiffany is not only a Licensed Clinical Social Worker but also a certified child life specialist and the proud owner of KiddoCare, LLC, in Palm Beach County, Florida. Her license authorizes her to practice autonomously in Florida, a testament to her expertise and dedication.

The Origin of Child Life Specialists

Tiffany shared an interesting historical tidbit about Child Life Specialists, who initially emerged as hospital clinicians using rag dolls to comfort children during their hospital stays. These dolls played a crucial role in aiding the children’s therapeutic transition and fostering a sense of safety.

A Calling for Child Therapy

When asked about her choice of career, Tiffany’s face lit up: “Good with kids!” She views her journey into child therapy as a calling, influenced by time spent with her grandmother serving local neighborhood kids and participating in mission trips to Brazil and Jamaica during her studies. These experiences pivoted her career path from aspiring pediatrician to a therapist deeply connected to youth.

The Joy of Making a Difference

Tiffany passionately describes her work as helping people “create new hope.” She finds immense joy in guiding parents at their wits’ end, offering them direction and resources. Her belief is that adults, including parents, often forget the simplicity of life, something children intuitively understand.

Challenges in Child Therapy

Yet, the role is not without its challenges. Tiffany candidly expressed her struggle with the inability to control situations for children. As a therapist, her influence has limits, and she can’t always see the long-term impact of her work. However, the moments when past patients return to express gratitude make her efforts worthwhile.

Therapy Approaches for Different Ages

Tiffany skillfully adapts her therapy approach to suit various age groups. She uses therapeutic play for children aged 18 months to 4 years, introducing toys at a pace comfortable for the child. For 5 to 10-year-olds, her methods diversify into bibliotherapy or sand therapy, which allows children to express their moods and emotions through creative play.

Guidance for Teens and Their Families

For teens, Tiffany emphasizes the importance of early intervention, healthy family communication, and coping skills. She believes in the value of an external perspective for parents navigating the challenges of raising teenagers.

Finding the Right Therapist

Tiffany recommends resources like Psychology Today, ZocDoc, and for those seeking therapy services. These platforms provide credible information and help patients find therapists suited to their needs.

A Child Therapist’s Insider Tip

Concluding our conversation, Tiffany offered a poignant piece of advice for parents: Find ways to connect with your children on their terms. Understand their desires and meet them where they are. This approach acknowledges that children, regardless of age, have their own wishes and are on a journey where parents play a guiding role.


  1. Kidzinc.      (n.d.). Rag dolls. Retrieved December 31, 2023, from
Dr. Stevi Jenkins-Kelly
Dr. Stevi Jenkins-Kelly


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